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Dr. Ram Chandra Rai
Ram Chandra Rai, is an officer of Indian Railway Account Service (IRAS), which is one of civil service of Central Government. After working for about 32 years in various positions in Indian Railways, he retired in the year 2016 from the post of Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer (FACAO) North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur. He comes from a village of Eastern UP, one of the backward regions of the country. He qualified civil service examination without any coaching or spending money while shouldering family and job responsibilities. Prior to joining civil service he was working as Financial Consultant with a Public Sector Industrial Consultancy Organization since 7 years and during this period he conducted Entrepreneurial Development Programs (EDPs), prepared Techno-Economic Feasibility (Project) Reports for financing of new industrial units, conducted Industrial Potential Surveys, conducted re-organization studies, market surveys and helped in financing & development of NOIDA. On academic front he has done B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics, Masters in Business Management and PhD in Management. He also worked a Professor and Sr. Professor with National Academy of Indian Railways at Vadodara. More than 200 videos related to Personality Development have been uploaded by him on U –Tube channel ‘Prayas Vikalp’. Currently he conducts free Personality Awareness Webinars and is course director of an Integrated Personality Development Program (IPDP) titled ‘Prayas Foundation Course’ having 5 modules especially designed for students, working professionals, government officers, entrepreneurs and retired persons. This course transforms the behavior of participants.
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